
From Tales of Luminaria Wiki
Arte Name and Description Arte Info Visual
ATK UP BuffArte On.png

Boosts your attack for a limited time

Type: Buff

Benefit: Atk Up AttackUp.png for 15 sec

Charge: 1100.00%

Brave Spirit BuffArte On.png

Boosts your attack for a limited time, and prevents flinching from enemy attacks

Type: Buff

Benefit: Flinchproof SuperArmor.png and Atk Up AttackUp.png for 15 sec

Charge: 1200.00%

Critical UP BuffArte On.png

Increases your chance of a critical hit for a limited time

Type: Buff

Benefit: Crit Up CritRateUp.png for 15 sec

Charge: 1100.00%

Dance of Flames BuffArte On.png

Generates a Burn area underneath for a certain period of time

Type: Enchantment (Movement) MoveEnchant.png

Benefit: Lava Tiles that inflict Burn [BRN] Burn.png created when moving (Frame-by-Frame infliction)

Charge: 1800.00%

DEF UP BuffArte On.png

Boosts your defense for a limited time

Type: Buff

Benefit: Def Up DefenseUp.png for 15 sec

Charge: 1100.00%

Electric Enchantment BuffArte On.png

Applies shock attribute to combo attacks for a certain time

Type: Enchantment (Weapon) WeaponEnchant.png

Benefit: Combo attacks imbued with Shock [SHK] Shock.png ailment (attack mod infliction)

Charge: 1100.00%

M. Artes Regenerate BuffArte On.png

Gradually fills Mystic Arte gauge for a limited time

Type: M.Artes Regenerate MARegenerate.png

Benefit: Mystic Arte gain over time for 40 sec

Charge: 600.00%

Paralyzing Enchantment BuffArte On.png

Applies paralysis attribute to combo attacks for a certain time

Type: Enchantment (Weapon) WeaponEnchant.png

Benefit: Combo attacks imbued with Paralysis [PLS] Paralysis.png ailment (attack mod infliction)

Charge: 1300.00%

Slash Enchantment BuffArte On.png

A Slash Arte is released in sync with slash attacks for a certain period of time

Type: Enchantment (Projectile) SlashEnchant.png

Benefit: Slash attacks imbued with an additional slash arte

Charge: 1300.00%

Swift Travel BuffArte On.png

Boosts your movement speed for a limited time

Type: Buff

Benefit: Movement Speed Up MoveSpdUp.png for 15 sec

Charge: 1100.00%
