Canned Meat & Potato Galette/Info

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Revision as of 13:32, 15 May 2022 by Lena (talk | contribs)
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|style="text-align:center; width:300px"|


Canned Meat & Potato Galette

|style="width:300px"|Lisette Episode 2 Chapter 2 Part 10: Talk to the Grocer |style="width:300px"|CornedMeat.png Corned Meat x3 HoneyPotato.pngHoney Potato x2

Onion.pngOnion x2

PolwigleButter.pngPolwigle Butter x1

RefreshingHerbs.pngRefreshing Herbs x2 |style="text-align:center; width:100px"|1939Gald.png |style="width:300px"|Heal.pngHeal (M) Resistance.png[POI] Resistance II ‎‎