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Latest revision as of 14:34, 7 August 2022

Recipe Name Unlock Condition Ingredients Total Cost Buff
Anchovy Potatoes
Cook 300 of Lisette's Favorite Foods Anchovies.pngAnchovies x2

HoneyPotato.pngHoney Potato x1

FuloonOil.pngFuloon Oil x1

RefreshingHerbs.pngRefreshing Herbs x2

PinkSalt.pngPink Salt x1

1528Gald.png GradualHeal.pngGradual Heal

ArteGainUp.pngArte Gauge Fill Rate UP

MysticArteGainUp.pngMystic Arte Gauge Fill Rate UP II ‎

December 25, 2021 Dev's Gift NoblePowder.pngNoble Powder x1

SpringWater.pngSpring Water x3

357Gald.png Heal.pngFull Heal

Canned Meat & Potato Galette
Lisette Episode 2 Chapter 2 Part 10:

Talk to the Grocer

CornedMeat.png Corned Meat x3

HoneyPotato.pngHoney Potato x2

Onion.pngOnion x2

PolwigleButter.pngPolwigle Butter x1

RefreshingHerbs.pngRefreshing Herbs x2

1939Gald.png Heal.pngHeal (M)

Resistance.png[POI] Resistance II ‎

Colten's Stuffed Cabbage Roll
Episode Final Chapter 2 Part 16:

Talk to the woman in front of the Weapon Shop

Cabbage.pngCabbage x1

GroundMeat.pngGround Meat x1

SeasoningSpices.pngSeasoning Spices x2

RichCarrot.pngRich Carrot x1

Celery.pngCelery x1

1574Gald.png AttackUp.pngAttack UP

CritDmgUp.pngCritical Hit Dmg. UP ‎II ‎

Mild Seafood Bouillabaisse
Episode Final Chapter 3 Part 4:

Talk to the group of people arguing, south of Mabo Curry Shop

PeppyShrimp.pngPeppy Shrimp x1

Shellfish.pngShellfish x1

MinazaCod.pngMinaza Cod x2

SweetTomato.pngSweet Tomato x1

HardCider.pngHard Cider x1

2117Gald.png Heal.png Heal (M)‎

ArteGainUp.png Arte Gauge Fill Rate UP ‎

Noble Apple Tea
Noble Pass Coin Exchange NoblePowder.pngNoble Powder x1

TeaLeaves.pngTea Leaves x3

KitoleurApple.pngKitoleur Apple x4

SeasoningSpices.pngSeasoning Spices x3

1189Gald.png ArteGaugeMax.pngArte Gauge MAX Fill

MysticArteGaugeMax.pngMystic Arte Gauge MAX Fill ‎

Noble Baked Apple
Noble Pass Coin Exchange NoblePowder.pngNoble Powder x1

KitoleurApple.pngKitoleur Apple x2

PolwigleButter.pngPolwigle Butter x1

TeaLeaves.pngTea Leaves x2

ForestNuts.pngForest Nuts x1

1156Gald.png Heal.pngFull Heal

MoveSpdUp.pngMovement Spd. BOOST UP ‎

Noble Mabo Curry
Noble Pass Coin Exchange NoblePowder.pngNoble Powder x1

PolwigleTofu.pngPolwigle Tofu x1

GroundMeat.pngGround Meat x1

WhiteRice.pngWhite Rice x1

NumbingPeppers.pngNumbing Peppers x1

1610Gald.png Heal.pngFull Heal

Recover.pngNegative Status Effect Full Recover ‎

Noble Rice Croquette
Noble Pass Coin Exchange NoblePowder.pngNoble Powder x1

Flour.pngFlour x2

WhiteRice.pngWhite Rice x1

JuicyHam.pngJuicy Ham x2

MushroomHeap.pngMushroom Heap x2

1006Gald.png Heal.pngFull Heal

AttackUp.pngAttack BOOST UP ‎

Prosciutto Platter
May 25, 2022 Developer's Gift JuicyHam.pngJuicy Ham x4

PinkSalt.pngPink Salt x3

SeasoningSpices.pngSeasoning Spices x1

1860Gald.png MysticArteGainUp.png Mystic Arte Gauge Fill Rate UP II

Sea Cucumber Marinade
Raoul Episode 2 Chapter 1:

Talk to the man at the "Stop-in" Diner

Shellfish.pngShellfish x3

SeaCucumber.pngSea Cucumber x2

IdyllLemon.pngIdyll Lemon x2

1781Gald.png CritRateUp.pngCritical Hit Rate Up

Resistance.png[SHK] Resistance II ‎

Seafood al Ajillo
Lisette Episode 1 Chapter 3 Part 10:

Talk to Emma

Shellfish.pngShellfish x2

CrabClaw.pngCrab Claw x2

Garlic.pngGarlic x1

PinkSalt.pngPink Salt x1

IdyllLemon.pngIdyll Lemon x1

1500Gald.png Heal.pngHeal (M)

DefenseUp.pngDEF UP II ‎

Squid Legs in Brown Butter
Edouard Episode 2 Chapter 1 Part 8:

Talk to the woman near the gate towards the Plaza

Tentacles.pngTentacles x2

PolwigleButter.pngPolwigle Butter x1

PinkSalt.pngPink Salt x1

SeasoningSpices.pngSeasoning Spices x3

Parsley.pngParsley x2

2466Gald.png CritRateUp.pngCritical Hit Rate UP

ArteGainUp.pngArte Gauge Fill Rate UP II ‎

Tender Weisswurst
Hugo Episode 2 Chapter 1 Part 2:

Talk to the Soldier standing in front of the Mess Hall's door

ZaloogoBreast.pngZaloogo Breast x1

PolwigleButter.pngPolwigle Butter x1

ImmortelleFlower.pngImmortelle Flower x2

ForestGold.pngForest Gold x2

HoneyPotato.pngHoney Potato x2

2510Gald.png Heal.pngHeal (S)

GradualHeal.png Gradual Heal II

Resistance.png[BRN] Resistance ‎

Veggie Bagna Cáuda
Buy at Tel-Tepe Market Anchovies.pngAnchovies x3

SweetTomato.pngSweet Tomato x2

Paprika.pngPaprika x2

Garlic.pngGarlic x2

Celery.pngCelery x2

2819Gald.png Heal.pngHeal (S)

GradualHeal.pngGradual Heal

Resistance.png[SLP] Resistance II ‎